Caceres’ Corner Case 152 (Update: Solution)

Dear Friends,

Today we are showing chest radiographs of a 75-year-old man with a cough and haemoptysis.

What do you see? Check the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section, and come back on Friday for the answer.

Click here for the answer to case #152

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    Jan 2017
    DISCUSSION 11 Comments

    11 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 152 (Update: Solution)

    1. MK says:

      Emphysematous thorax with flatened of both hemidiaphgrams. There is loss of volume of the left hemithorax, with multiple tracts and intersticial thickening. Cardiac sillhoute sign is present. An intersticial pathology (pneumoconiosis, TBC…) can be suggested.

    2. UFTM radiogroup says:

      we think there is a nodular opacity with air adjacent to the left hilum, what can represent crescent air sign (aspergiloma?).

    3. armando says:

      fibrosing lung disease with superimposed infection on the left mid pulmonary field and ipsilater pleural effusion. It seems to me.

    4. Mahmoud says:

      There is unilateral calcified pleural plaques along left hemidiaphragm and left lateral chest wall, findings that suggest previous TB, other DD: previous empyema or hemothorax.
      also there is small volume of left lung with dense reticular opacities denoting fibrosis.
      Also there is left upper mediastinal opacity, along with small volume of left lung and elevated left hilum, it suggests tight left upper lobe collapse.

    5. Jose Caceres says:

      Only four answers and none right. I feel in a “to be or not be” state (hope you know the movie).
      Review the basics and try again!

    6. Mahmoud says:

      There is a large opacity projected on lower dorsal spine in lateral view
      In frontal view, it’s seen in left retrocardiac position with its lateral border parallel to the outline of descending aorta, likely represent posterior lung mass, lung cancer.
      I hope I’m now “to be”.

    7. genchi bari italia says:

      alla base polmonare “dx” , in laterale sovrapposta alla colonna vertebrale…..opacità di massa…

    8. Vivi says:

      Hi!lung mass on the ground of chronic pneumoconiosis or TB
      (because of pleural calcification and fibrous elements)with unilateral localised lymphagitic carcinomatosis?!