José Vilar and Friends Case 13 (Update: Solution!)

Dear friends,

You did a great job with case 12. Here is our next case, to confirm or prove your diagnostic abilities.

This is a 53 year old woman that had a chest radiographic study for suspicion of respiratory infection.

Let us see what diagnostic possibilities you suggest.

Case provided by Dr. Rodrigo Blanco. Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Valencia.


No previous surgery.
Following your suggestions here you have a couple of CT images.


Click here for the answer

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    Jun 2019
    DISCUSSION 11 Comments

    11 Responses to : José Vilar and Friends Case 13 (Update: Solution!)

    1. Fingers crossed says:

      If it was a child, I would go with congenital lobar emphysema. But it’s not
      Looking forward to see the ct!

    2. S says:

      Left parahilar ovoid mass with increased volume, lucency and hypovascularity of the left upper lung zone. Overall left lung volume seems decreased (diaphragm elevated). History of lobectomy?
      DDx would include bronchial atresia, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, endobronchial tumor.
      Left 6th rib appears to be locally expanded with indistinct borders.

    3. najwa abu namous says:

      left lobe mass (peripheral), congenital of the heart (right side)if the correct mark , inflammation of the left side


      Broncheal atresia left lower lobe hypoplasia
      Left 5th rib bifurcation


      Broncheal atresia right upper lobe
      Left lower lobe hypoplasia
      Left 5th rib bifurcation.

    6. Humberto Rosas Lavado says:

      Mediastino desviado a la derecha.
      Hernia diafragmaatica izquierda
      6ta costilla izquierda bifida

    7. Ivana says:

      Congenital lobar emphysema with lung tissue herniation in right hemitorax.

    8. Ridwan Fauzi says:

      Broncheal atresia left lower lobe hypoplasia
      Hernia diafragmaatica izquierda
      6ta costilla izquierda bifida

    9. Alex RX says:

      So the answer is ?

    10. Vijay kumar says:


      Frontal and lateral chest radiograph – radiolucent left upper and mid zone with overinfalation of left lung and tracheomediastinal shift towards right side. A round radioopacity is noted in the left mid zone.

      CECT – shows radiolucent left upper lobe with sparse vascular markings suggestive of air trapping in this region. A well defined non enhancing soft tissue density is noted in left upper lobe.

      Differential diagnosis –
      Foreign body in left apicoposterior bronchus.
      Endobronchial mass lesion.