Caceres’ Corner Case 102 (Update: Solution)


Dear Friends,

Today we are showing radiographs of a 61-year-old man who has had several pulmonary infections during recent years.
What do you see? Leave your thoughts in the comments section and come back for the answer on Friday.

PA chest

lateral chest

Click here for the answer to case #102

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    Nov 2014
    DISCUSSION 13 Comments

    13 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 102 (Update: Solution)

    1. DR / ELSAYED KOTB says:

      pleural thickening,decreased volume of rt lung, ., mesothelioma should be excluded by CT

    2. Jarrod says:

      Dear Dr Caceres and Dr Pepe, I’ve recently discovered this excellent case demo and discussion. I will just have a go with this…

      Bilateral lower lung fibrotic changes as evident with diaphargmatic tenting and peripheral linear opacities.
      Also pleural thickening, including calcified portion over the right hemidiaphragm.
      There is also slight reduced lung volume.
      No focal lung mass.
      Normal heart size and cardiomediastinal outline.
      Features are of chronic lung changes from asbestosis exposure.

      • Jose Caceres says:

        Welcome to our humble abode! Sorry, I don’t agree with you about the diaphragmatic calcification.

    3. stanko says:

      I’d say Mounier-Kuhn (elderly man, common infections).
      The bronchus and bronchi look enlarged.

    4. Jose Caceres says:

      In case you are all right, only the first one gets credit!

    5. gus says:

      It doesn’t matter if you are first….the teaching point is to learn from the mistake.
      i hope we are right… please my god!!!! 🙂

    6. Francisco says:

      Atelectasias laminares en ambas bases junto con opacidades nodulares de morfología alargada en campo pulmonar inferior izquierdo, a descartar bronquiectasias (en el contexto clínico referido)

    7. Nikhil Mehta says:

      Dilated and corrugated trachea
      Central airway bronchomegaly more on left side
      Left lower zone branching opacities
      Right lower zone opacities
      Lateral chest showing posterior basal segment opacities
      Suggest Tracheobronchomegaly – Mounier Kuhn syndrome with changes of recurrent infections
      ??? Posterior displacement of lower portion of major fissure on ? left with diaphragmatic tenting – is there partial collapse Dr. Caceres or Dr.Pepe

    8. genchi bari italia says:

      ….carissimo professore, non posso lasciarti!….ci sono delle immagini bronchiectasiche alle basi polmonari con “mucoid-impact”….l’ilo di dx è mal visibile e notevolmente “più basso” del sx anche in LL … mentre l’arco cardiaco inferiore di dx è “anomalo .la tc, venerdì, stabilirà il perche’…..