Caceres’ Corner Case 104 (Update: Solution)


Dear Friends,

Muppet is very excited because he has seen many interesting cases in the last two months. He has decided to show them during December and January to make me jealous.

The first patient is a 42-year-old woman with a moderate cough, seen on the 19th of November. What would be your diagnosis? Check the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.

PA chest

lateral chest

Click here for the answer to case #104

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    Dec 2014
    DISCUSSION 18 Comments

    18 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 104 (Update: Solution)

    1. J.D. says:

      Will give it a go…

      Radiopacity over left mid-lower zone with branching pattern, giving finger-in-glove appearance.
      In association with hyperinflated left hemithorax, contralateral mediastinal deviation and barrel-chest configuration as appreciated on the lateral projection.
      Features are suggestive for a patient with underlying chronic lung disease such as asthma, complicated by ABPA. Other causes of bronchocele to be considered. CT for further evaluation is advised.

    2. Murzin says:

      -mucoid impaction (several reasons)
      – arterio-venous malformation
      -air- filled pulmonary sequestration

    3. fernando says:

      Y-shaped tubular opacity and distal vascular amputation. Bronchial atresia.

    4. Sal says:

      Tubular opacity seen in left lower lung zone with extension to the left hilum mostly representing an arterio-venous malformation.

    5. kuba says:

      scimitar syndrome?

    6. tamorah1982 . says:

      There is double lined tubular opacity within left mid lung zone downwards … Mild hyperinflation of left lung field … For HRCT chest
      DD: – bronchial impaction
      – asthma or avm

    7. Jonathan says:

      Bronchial atresia

    8. genchi bari italia says:

      …sarà l’angio-tc , con le ricostruzioni in VR a definire l’anomalia “vascolare” che non mi sembra tuttavia una MAV….l’ilo vascolare di sx è ” tronco” e sembra continuarsi distalmente con l’immagine rx-opaca ad y invertita….mi sembra inoltre di osservare una povertà della trama vascolare a sx….penso pertanto ad una anomalia dell’arteria polmonare sx( atresia), con iperplasia vascolare del circolo di compenso sottostante….

    9. George says:

      lingular avm

    10. genchi bari italia says:

      ….l’opacità a dito di guanto è indicativa di “mucoid.impact” da ostruzione… causa della ostruzione può essere congenita(atresia bronchiale) od acquisita( Tumore,TBC,Asma,aspergillosi…)

    11. genchi bari italia says:

      Feliz Navidad ….da S. Domingo !!!!!Grazie PROFESSORE !!!!!

    12. sri kanth dommeti says:

      left lower lobe bronchial atresia with compenssatory upper lobar inflation;

    13. sri kanth dommeti says:

      differential may be mucoid impaction