Caceres’ Corner Case 121 (Update: Solution)


Dear Friends,

Today we are showing radiographs of a 34-year-old man with malaise and chest pain.
What do you see?
Check the images below, leave us your thoughts in the comments section, and come back on Friday for the answer.

PA chest

lateral chest

Click here for the answer to case #121

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    Oct 2015
    DISCUSSION 21 Comments

    21 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 121 (Update: Solution)

    1. Helene says:

      opacification of the posterior sinus – pleural effusion. Subsegmental atelectasis.

    2. Borsuk says:

      On the PA radiograph is regular rounded upper mediastinal mass connected with aortic arch.
      I suppose saccular aortic aneurysm.
      Also right diaphragm is elevated and small atelectasis plaque is seen in lower part of right lobe.
      Later view is unremarkable.

    3. murzin says:

      Spondylodiscitis Th6-Th7…
      Atelectatic platelet in the right lower pole…
      I Think the rounded opacification in the superior mediastinum is caused by sternal manubrium because of patient’s rotation during the exposition…

    4. Nicky says:

      Subpleural effusion on the right

    5. genchi bari italia says:

      ….sollevamento della cupola diaframmmatica dx, strie disatelettasiche alla base polmonare corrispondente , ilo vascolare non ben rappresentato,….clinica(dolore)….laboratorio( aumento D-Dimeri)….la prima ipotesi diagnostica è tronbo-embolismo polmonare…..

    6. Ryan Tee says:

      Left pleural effusion and right sub segmental atelectasis. Consider PE when u see left sub segmental atelectasis

    7. Diego says:

      Right subpulmonar effusion with partial ML attelectasis

    8. Karla says:

      The right hemidiaphragm is elevated and there is a small atelectasis that involves the medial segment of the middle lobe. An hepatic abscess could be the cause, I don’t know if the patient has a fever.

    9. José Cáceres says:

      Many different diagnosis. The answer is easy if you remember the basic approach of where to look in the PA view ( hila, apices, trachea, costophrenic angles) and lateral view (anterior and posterior clear spaces, sternum and spine and middle mediastinum)

    10. magda says:

      Right hilum in the PA view( there is an opacity there). Small focal hiperlucency adjacent to the upper part of the right hila.
      The right hemidiaphragm is elevated secondary to atelectasis in the right lower lobe.
      I see splenic flexure of colon under the left hemidiaphragm.

    11. bea says:

      Atelectasis of the ML + right pleural effusion + left pneumothorax

    12. magda says:

      Pneumonia in the posterior clear space.

    13. Yvette says:

      Both hemidiaphragms are clearly visible on lateral view , right is higher.RML with athelectatic plates. On lat.view at the level of The Th7 there is an opacification, that on PA view probably represents thickening of right paravertebral line.

    14. magda says:

      opacity in the posterior clear space that extends to diaphragmatic contour.

    15. murzin says:

      I stil don’t like the spine so spondylodiscitis but perhaps with reactive fluid in posterior costodiaphragmatic recess on the left?