Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 17 – SOLVED!

Dear friends,

to welcome the new year I am showing you the radiographs of a 70 year-old male being evaluated for possible lung metastases.

1. Calcified pericardium
2. Ventricular aneurysm
3. Cardiac myxoma
4. None of the above

Click here for the answer

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    11 Responses to : Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 17 – SOLVED!

    1. Genchi Bari Italia says:

      La calficazione è a “guscio d’uovo” cioè periferica e non dimostra eventuale “core” centrale come da una massa: essa “disegna” la valvola mitralica, calcificata in toto, come nella BIG-MAC ( Massiva Mitralica Annulus Calcification).Essa compare nel 6/° delle persone sopra i 60 anni.Una sua variante è la Necrosi Caseosa.La diagnosi, sospettata sull’Rx-torace, può essere confermata da una ecocardiografia e/o RM.

    2. Calin says:

      – oval lesion in the left ventricle with calcified walls (calcified parietal cyst, echinococcosis?)
      – bilateral pleural effusion
      – pacemaker

    3. Yeliz says:

      Ventricular aneurysm

    4. Dr Strangelove says:

      Calcified left ventricular aneurysm (post-infarction). They do not necessarily “bulge”.
      Mild pulmonary hypertension.
      Residual bilateral pleural thickening.

    5. Alice says:

      mitral annulus calcification

    6. Badr says:

      – Pericardial calcification could be related to hydatid cyst or TB infection.

    7. Dr. Pepe says:

      Will you define the calcification as thin or thick-walled?

      • Kelvin says:

        It’s quite thin…almost eggshell like.

        I was thinking along the lines of a calcified left ventricular aneurysm.

        To me it does not look like calcification of the mitral annulus.

    8. Ricardo Macareno says:

      Ventricular aneurysm

    9. fekade says:

      ventricular aneurysm