ECR 2013 Rec: The Spanish radiographer’s role in advanced MRI research #EM5 #A285


A-285 The Spanish radiographer’s role in advanced MRI research

E. Alfayate Sáez | Saturday, March 9, 14:00 – 15:30 / Room B

A Radiographer, as part of a MRI research team, is more than just a professional obtaining patient´s images for either the investigational studies or clinical trials. Being part of the team means participating and understanding the project as a whole. It means one must know the study’s objectives, collaborate in the protocol design and optimization, and inform the patient about the exam and steps to follow in order to maximize his cooperation. Personal data protection and individual privacy must be guaranteed through all the process; a written informed consent should be signed by the patient as well. Taking care of all these particular aspects is very important for a successful completion of each study/trial. Due to rapid technological advances, and the necessity to deal permanently with state-of-the-art scientific areas, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for a Radiographer working in a research team is critical. The radiographer is part of a multidisciplinary team, where each professional performs a very specialized task, combining efforts is crucial in order to produce a work of excellence that can be shared with the scientific community. Thanks to the continuous investment in new technology, we have the opportunity, in our site, to conduct research in diverse areas, such as cardiology, traumatology, gynaecology, obstetrics and neurology. Through this presentation we will share some of the research we are working on, as well as the importance of the Radiographer role in a research centre.

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