Caceres’ Corner Case 120 (Update: Solution)


Dear Friends,

Today I am presenting chest radiographs of a 60-year-old man with vague chest complaints and mild cough.
What do you see in the images below? Leave your thoughts in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.

lateral chest

PA chest

Click here for the answer to case #120

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    Sep 2015
    DISCUSSION 18 Comments

    18 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 120 (Update: Solution)

    1. genchi bari italia says:

      ….tumore di Pancoast , a sx, sino a prova contraria.

    2. gus says:

      downward displacement of the right hilum but no clearly evidence of atelectasis.
      tubular opacity on the right pul.base (vascular etiology?)
      i think i see a mass and not artifact on the left First sternum rib join
      maybe upward displacement of the left hilum 🙂

    3. aloria says:

      opacity at the apex of the left lung

    4. Lola la Piconera says:

      Left apical very dense nodule likely calcified and pleural thickening. TBC related? It seems like if there were some lucencies protected over this apical nodule.
      Not certain but possible lung nodules in left lower
      The upper porto on of tracheoesophageal stripe is thickened. Any oesophageal disease?

    5. murzin says:

      1. Dense nodule i the left lung apex, best seen on lateral image.
      2. Possible, small nodule in the proximity of the left hilum.
      3. Tubular lina in the right costophrenic angle- might intrathoracic rib or aberrant vessel or unusal presentation of a regular vessel.
      Do We deserve another hint?


      1. Intrapulmonary mass in the left lung apex.
      2. A small left parahilar nodule, lateral to the descending pulmonary artery.

    7. Ryan says:

      A rounded mass lesion on left apex of lung. Right hilum seems to be displaced downwards (or is the left hilum displaced upwards?). Is there a mass just below the left hilum displacing it up? Im not sure.

      Please enlighten.

      • Jose Caceres says:

        The hila have not changed in comparison with a previous film. If I had to bet, my opinion would be that the left hilum is slightly elevated (but unchanged).
        Sending you the previous PA an lateral.

    8. Alberto Montemayor says:

      Se observa un nódulo pulmonar en el ápice izquierdo, además se aprecia un desplazamiento anterior de la traquea , visto en la proyección lateral, con un aumento de la densidad a ese nivel. El hilio izquierdo esta desplazado hacia arriba ligeramente. Hay una destrucción osea del arco posterior de la tercera cotilla izquierda. La impresión es que es un cáncer de pulmón con mets osea y adenopatía paratraqueal.

    9. AMRI says:

      nodule apical gauche; je demanderais un scanner thoracique

    10. Hellene0803 says:


    11. genchi bari italia says:

      ..carissimo professore , grazie per la menzione….mi solleva il morale , dal momento che il mio Bari è stato travolto a Crotone , per 4 ad 1…..come e con lo stesso risultato del Barca !!!!!!.

    12. sht says:

      nodule left apex