Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 35 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

Today I’m presenting a 55-year-old male with pain in the right hemithorax.


1. Pulmonary infarction
2. Pneumonia
3. Carcinoma
4. None of the above

55-year-old male, PA chest

55-year-old male, PA chest

55-year-old male, lateral chest

55-year-old male, lateral chest

Click here for the answer

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    10 Responses to : Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 35 – SOLVED!

    1. Maria says:

      There are some fibrotic changes in the right lung, pleural fluid, and irregular (not smooth ) border of right hemidiaphragm ( maybe some subpneumonic fluid collection ). there is also a RL cystic lesion with solid part (maybe crescent sign) and atelectasis of a part of RLL. Finally i do not like the right first rib . I would not be surprised if the cystic lesion is a diaphragmatic hernia.

    2. Yp says:

      Pulmonary infarction

    3. valache says:


    4. Genchi bari italia says:

      Gobba di Hampton,Area di consolidamento,non visibilità arteria polmonare nelle diramazioni periferiche + clinica( dolore acuto base toracica) , se anche i D-dimeri alti = tromboembolismo con infarto polmonare.

    5. Dr. Pepe says:

      So far, the diagnosis has not be mentioned. Keep trying, before tomorrow’s answer!

    6. genchi bari italia says:

      Il quadro radiologico di base è una BCO, con grossa bolla aerea alla base polmonare dx ove coesistono aree di consolidamento parenchimale: se pensiamo alle complicanze di una BCO , in questo caso, potremmo ipotizzare aree di consoldamento sub-atelettasico da tappi di muco e/o una sovrainfezione da aspergillosi polmonare.Terapia antibiotica e mucolitici , con controllo dopo 8gg e rivalutazione del quadro, se non risolto, con una TAC( cosa che Voi avete certamente fatto).

    7. Dr. os says:

      Right lung base shows:
      1- Peripheral round opacity.
      2- Loss of volume in the form of elevation of right hemidiaphragm and downward displacement of right hilum.
      3- pleural thickening.
      So, I think that the principle diagnosis is round atelectasis

    8. DrD says:

      4.None of the above.Вероятно- Перфорирала тънкостенна киста в 3/0, с дренирано към плеврална кухина съдържимо и ограничен хидропневмоторакс.Седментна ателектаза в дясна основа.

    9. Maria says:

      Necrosis of pericardial fat?