Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 82 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

Today’s images belong to a 35-year-old man with chest pain. What do you see?
Check the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.



Click here for the answer

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    17 Responses to : Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 82 – SOLVED!

    1. Mark says:

      Right sided pneumothorax.

    2. gus says:

      -pulmonary hilum narrowing
      -round opacity in left cardiophrenic angle.(ivc?)

    3. Aisha says:

      Right hydropneumothorax.

    4. genchi bari italia says:

      …penso che l’AP del torace sia in posizione supina….abnorme raccolta aerea si proietta contro la cupola diaframmatica dx, con profilo diaframmatico anomalo posteriormente in LL…sottile immagine rx-opaca curvilinea a livello dell’incrocio clavicola e 1 costa nonchè tra la 10 ed 11 costa in basso…. sulcus sign….il tutto come da pntorace….sufficiente completare con radiogramma in espirazione….

    5. nohammad ibrahim alshafie says:

      Right basal emphysematous bulla with right sided small pneumothorax.

    6. Hellene says:

      A small air-fluid level at the right costophrenic angle – V line and Right sided pneumothorax.

    7. Hellene says:

      After the heart (overlaps on the spine) there are viewing a line of transparent – maybe there is a pneumothorax loculated retrosternally.

    8. J.S. says:

      Right sided pneumothorax

    9. Ryan says:

      There is right sided air fluid level. Left hilum is slightly depressed in my opinion (same level with right hilum). Left lower lobe collapse with right hydrothorax? In lateral view i saw a vague triangular opacity at lung base.



      Right upper lobe pneumothorax

    11. murzin says:

      Right ap ica pneumothorax…
      Rib metastasis (es)…

    12. m19varis says:

      Right hydropneumothorax

    13. Dr. Pepe says:

      Congratulations to all of you. Final diagnosis is pneumothorax with V line.
      Special mention to Mark, who was the first to suggest the diagnosis.
      More information tomorrow

    14. devjani chaudhuri says:

      The vessels in the right lower zone are not reaching the periphery.
      A lucency appears superimposed pushing the posterior part of the right diaphragm down.
      Segmental emphysema?

    15. vijay says:

      right side pneumothorax