Highly-respected Dutch researcher delivers honorary lecture on cardiac imaging


In recognition of his significant research and work in the areas of MRI, CT and cardiovascular imaging, Professor Albert de Roos from Leiden, the Netherlands, was invited to deliver the Josef Lissner Honorary Lecture entitled, ‘Research in cardiac imaging: how I do it’.

Prof. Albert de Roos from Leiden, the Netherlands.

Prof. Albert de Roos from Leiden, the Netherlands.

Albert de Roos is professor of radiology at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. Originally from Ermelo, the Netherlands, Prof. de Roos received his medical degree (Cum Laude) from the University of Amsterdam in 1980 and then completed his residency in internal medicine at Zeeweg Hospital Velsen. He then went on to carry out a residency in radiology at St. Elisabeth Gasthuis Haarlem and University Hospital Leiden. In 1985, he was awarded a PhD for his thesis on ‘Biphasic Colon Examination’.

In 1988, Prof. de Roos travelled to the United States to become assistant professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He returned to the Netherlands to become associate professor of radiology at Leiden University Medical Center, where he has held a number of posts, including director of magnetic resonance imaging and director of computed tomography. He also served as co-leader of the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands’ ‘Cardiovascular MRI’ project.

A well-published researcher, Prof. de Roos has authored or co-authored more than 400 scientific journal articles. In addition to writing articles, he currently serves as deputy editor of the scientific journal Radiology. Prof. de Roos has been recognised for his work and has received honorary membership from the German and Hungarian Societies of Radiology. He has also been awarded a large number of grants throughout his career.

“I appreciate very much the honour to deliver this lecture about radiological research. The topic is challenging due to the many changing faces of radiological research, but is a crucial task for the longevity of the field,” said de Roos in response to his invitation to deliver the lecture.

An active member of many national and international scientific societies, Prof. de Roos served as president of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, in 1997, and the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in 2013. On a national level, he served as scientific secretary of the Dutch Society of Radiology from 1996 to 1999.

Watch a recording of Prof. de Roos’ Honorary Lecture, plus more than 1,500 other presentations from ECR 2014, with ECR On Demand.

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