Caceres’ Corner Case 122 (Update: Solution)


Dear Friends,

Today we are showing a case that our good friend Carles Vilá showed us three weeks ago. Images belong to a 44-year-old woman admitted with renal colic. What do you see?

Check the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.

PA chest

lateral chest

Click here for the answer to case #122

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    Oct 2015
    DISCUSSION 27 Comments

    27 Responses to : Caceres’ Corner Case 122 (Update: Solution)

    1. Ryan says:

      there is poorly defined opacity in retrocardiac area near the lower parts of the thoracic vertebrae. also in retrosternal clear space, there are perhaps 2 rounded peripheral lesion. maybe im looking too hard in the later. pneumonia?

    2. Helene says:

      1. Moderate pectus excavatum.

    3. aloria says:

      opacity at the left superior mediastinum

    4. magda says:

      lateral view : left dome of hemidiaphragm is blurred;
      an opacity extending from lower part of the hila to the posterior clear space (it partially projects over the lower part of thoracic spine).
      A trachea is poorly seen, maybe there is small ovall opacity near the infracarinal area (lymph node?)
      PA view : an opacity projecting over the cardiac silhouette and the left dome of hemidiaphragm;
      left hilum is situated higher than right.

    5. Helene says:

      2. I not see a gastric air buble . On the lateral view trachea is reduced in diameter -possible esophageal pathology ?

    6. genchi bari italia says:

      ….LA colica renale è in reaLTà un dolore di” origine” ossea: alterazioni osteostrutturali di tipo litico sembrano evidenziarsi a carico di D10-D11

      • José Cáceres says:

        Do you think that the opacity may be in the lung?

        • genchi bari italia says:

          il profilo cardiaco inferiore sx sembra dissociato dalla cupola diaframmatica….in ll a livello di D10-D11 sembra evidenziarsi una opacità il cui angolo superiore è ottuso, quindi extrapolmonare…..aspettiamo la TC

    7. Helene says:

      3. May be. On the PA – in the 6 right intercostal space determine opacity, and the lateral view in front of the Th9-Th10 vertebrae.

    8. Ilea says:

      3. May be. On the PA – in the 6 right intercostal space determine opacity, and the lateral view in front of the Th9-Th10 vertebrae.

    9. Ilea says:

      sorry. I forgot to write that I do not agree with this comment

    10. finbar says:

      peribronchial and pericardium radiolucency

    11. murzin says:

      Clinically insignificant PAPVR ?

    12. aliya says:

      lat view show suspicious lucencies in lower thoracic vertebral bodies, needs further assesment like CT chest

    13. Amir says:

      Ap . There are mulit nudollar opacity in both lung .
      Lt hillar afenopathy was seen.Rt paratracheal erea isn’t Nl.
      At latral view t9-t10 body isn’t clear….
      Isn’t sarcoidosis?

    14. Amir says:

      Or TB?

    15. José Cáceres says:

      I don’t believe it possible making the diagnosis in the plain film. What would you think if I say that the patient has recurrent infections?

    16. gaborini says:

      pulmonary sequestration in the left lung base

    17. harpreet says:

      double rt heart border ? left atrial enlargement