ECR 2013 Rec: Role of imaging in personalised therapy monitoring #pc11 #a329


A-329 Role of imaging in personalised therapy monitoring

A.R. Padhani | Saturday, March 9, 16:00 – 17:30 / Room F2

Many imaging biomarkers have emerged which individually or collectively provide unique information on tumour behaviour including response to treatment. There are several requirements that must be met before imaging biomarker(s) can be considered as being able to direct a person’s management. First, the biomarker should have a known biologic basis with a recognised method for quantification and to be adequately validated. With regard to the latter, it is important that the biomarker reports on/measures biologically meaningful cellular/tissue process such as reporting on cell death, on angiogenesis, proliferation and metabolic shutdown NOT simply conveying information on receptor occupancy or down regulation of pathways that may or may not be important. Data acquisition procedures should have been optimised and the test’s performance should have been established. The level of change in the imaging biomarker that can be considered as real should be known (that is, the measurement error). Reproducibility needs to have been determined by appropriately powered test-retest studies. Imaging biomarkers can only be useful if they can detect biologically meaningful effects directly related to treatments (that is, magnitude of biological effects detected must be greater than the reproducibility/measurement error) at appropriate time points to be able to effect patient management. Finally, it must be know how much therapy-induced change is meaningful in terms of patient benefit in terms of hard clinical endpoints such as surgical resectability, organ preservation, progression free and overall survival, etc. These aspects will be considered in detail using practical examples.

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