Watch this session on ECR Live: Saturday, March 8, 16:00–17:30, Room B
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At each ECR Since 2007, the ‘ESR meets’ programme has included a partner discipline along with the three guest countries, as a way to build formal bridges between the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and other branches of medicine, and to give congress participants an opportunity to learn about something a little different. At ECR 2014, the programme includes a visit from undoubtedly the largest medical discipline to take part in the initiative so far: cardiology, represented by one of the biggest medical societies in Europe, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Cardiology has much in common with radiology, but this is the first time that the two European societies have come together for an official joint session at a major meeting.
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At each ECR since 2008, the ‘ESR meets’ programme has included a partner discipline along with the three guest countries, as a way to build formal bridges between the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and other branches of medicine, and to give congress participants an opportunity to learn about something a little different. At ECR 2014 the programme includes a visit from undoubtedly the largest medical discipline to take part in the initiative so far: cardiology, represented by one of the biggest medical societies in Europe, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Cardiology has much in common with radiology, but this is the first time that the two European societies have come together for an official joint session at a major meeting.
Despite some well-known points of controversy between the two disciplines, concerning professional ‘turf’, the overriding message during this afternoon’s ‘ESR meets ESC’ session will be one of cooperation and mutual understanding. Prof. Panos Vardas, president of the European Society of Cardiology, who will co-preside at the session, believes that the blurring of borders between subspecialties makes this kind of exchange of knowledge a must.
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