5 things you can do right now to improve your ECR experience


It may feel like 2013 just began yesterday, but we’ve already turned the first corner into February, which means the ECR is not so much creeping up on us as sprinting at full speed. So, in the five weeks remaining before March 7, what can you do to make sure you get the most out of this five-day festival of everything radiological? Here are our five top tips to get you off to a good start.


ECR badges, patiently waiting to be mailed


1) Get your badge mailed to you

Nobody wants to turn up full of enthusiasm on the first morning, only to spend the first 30 minutes in the longest queue of the whole congress. Be one of the smart ones; register before February 6 and get your congress badge and CME stickers sent to your home. You’ll be glad you did when you waltz past the waiting masses at the onsite registration desks.

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Puzzle Time

We have to admit it; the ESR social media team has had its eye on this big, round target for a while. Since starting the myESR Facebook page around two years ago, we have watched the little ticker marked ‘fans’ gradually get higher and higher. At some point, as we realised it would keep going, we started to set our sights on building a Facebook community that would reflect the size of the ESR. Our ‘fantasy’ aim: to gain 10,000 page likes by the start of ECR 2012.

Well, as it turns out, when a snowball starts rolling on Facebook, it tends to keep going…

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Nov 2011