10,000 twitter followers?! This is a reason to celebrate!
We have THREE FREE places at ECR 2019 to give away to our fantastic followers.
To be entered into our draw, all you need to do is:
1) Follow the European Society of Radiology’s Twitter account, @myESR (existing followers also qualify)
2) Either like, comment, or re-tweet one of our tweets between now and June 10 (deadline: 23:00 CEST).
All personal* Twitter accounts meeting those two simple criteria will be entered into our random draw for free ECR 2019 registration.
Thanks for following us and good luck!
*Accounts representing companies, societies, institutions or other organisations will not be eligible. Anyone found to use multiple accounts to enter will also be ineligible.
Full terms and conditions of this competition can be found here.

This month we’re offering you a third and final chance to win free registration for ECR 2015, Europe’s biggest and best imaging meeting. Simply leave your answer to the question below, as a comment on this post, before January 26 (comments now closed). All correct answers will be entered into a draw and a winner will be selected by the editor of ESR News. The answer and winner will be announced by the end of January. Please note that the competition is open to ESR members only.

Question: Which is the most likely diagnosis?
A: Partial tear anterior cruciate ligament
B: Mucoid degeneration anterior cruciate ligament
Click here to reveal the answer
The answer is:
B: Mucoid degeneration anterior cruciate ligament
Congratulations to the winner of this month’s competition, Dr. Victor Konikov, who recieves free registration for ECR 2015!
Thank you to all participants and well done to those who got the correct answer. Keep an eye out for the February issue of ESR News and your chance to win a new ESOR-related prize.

It may feel like 2013 just began yesterday, but we’ve already turned the first corner into February, which means the ECR is not so much creeping up on us as sprinting at full speed. So, in the five weeks remaining before March 7, what can you do to make sure you get the most out of this five-day festival of everything radiological? Here are our five top tips to get you off to a good start.

ECR badges, patiently waiting to be mailed
1) Get your badge mailed to you
Nobody wants to turn up full of enthusiasm on the first morning, only to spend the first 30 minutes in the longest queue of the whole congress. Be one of the smart ones; register before February 6 and get your congress badge and CME stickers sent to your home. You’ll be glad you did when you waltz past the waiting masses at the onsite registration desks.
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