This is a guest article from MED-EL, the innovation leader in hearing implants.

You don’t want to have to turn a patient away from an MRI scan. But active medical implants, such as pacemakers or cochlear implants, can make MRI scans challenging.
Many implants are associated with risks during MRI, even if they are “MR Conditional”. This can be especially challenging in real-world settings, because “MR Conditional” only means that there are conditions and restrictions, without letting you know how to proceed or how likely it is that your patient will have a safe, comfortable MRI scan.
However, it’s important to understand that not all implants are created equal—especially when it comes to MRI safety.
Today, we’re going to take an in-depth look at why a design issue causes complications with certain cochlear implants. Then we’ll look at why magnet technology makes all the difference with a whole range of hearing implants designed specifically for MRI safety.
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New floor-mounted radiography system – guest post by Siemens Healthineers
In radiography, the way patients and referring physicians perceive your institution can enhance – or hinder – your success. MULTIX Impact is an innovative digital imaging machine that makes a positive impression on patients, staff, and referring physicians. Its user-friendly, state-of-the-art technology is designed at an economical price to improve access to care and helps you produce excellent images in a more personal way.
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10,000 twitter followers?! This is a reason to celebrate!
We have THREE FREE places at ECR 2019 to give away to our fantastic followers.
To be entered into our draw, all you need to do is:
1) Follow the European Society of Radiology’s Twitter account, @myESR (existing followers also qualify)
2) Either like, comment, or re-tweet one of our tweets between now and June 10 (deadline: 23:00 CEST).
All personal* Twitter accounts meeting those two simple criteria will be entered into our random draw for free ECR 2019 registration.
Thanks for following us and good luck!
*Accounts representing companies, societies, institutions or other organisations will not be eligible. Anyone found to use multiple accounts to enter will also be ineligible.
Full terms and conditions of this competition can be found here.

Dear Friends,
This week I am presenting images of a 49-year-old woman with abdominal pain and moderate distension. Examine the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section, and come back on Friday for the answer.
What would be your diagnosis?
1. Hepatomegaly
2. Subpulmonary fluid
3. Diaphragmatic eventration
4. None of the above
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Dear friends,
Presenting liver MR images of a 63-year-old diabetic woman with mild pain in the RUQ over the last few weeks.
Possible diagnoses:
1. Hepatocellular carcinoma
2. Hepatocellular adenoma
3. Liver angiomyolipoma
4. Liver metastases
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Welcome to the fifth installment of our series introducing our Rising Stars, who submitted the best student abstracts and have been invited to present their work at ECR 2012 in front of a real congress audience. Each speaker will be announced individually on the Rising Stars Facebook page, with a more detailed look, including their full abstracts, here on the ESR Blog. Our next three speakers are Kázmér Kovács, Vladislavs Kopitkovs and Walaa M. Al.Sharif:
More on the ESR Rising Stars…