Dear Friends,
This case was sent by my good friend Alberto Villanueva. Muppet made the diagnosis right away (he is gifted!) and wants to share the images with you. They belong to a 17-year-old boy with moderate dyspnea.
1. Congenital absence of LLL
2. Chronic TB plural thickening
3. LLL collapse (foreign body?)
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
While I was in Vienna, Muppet prepared the following case for you: 21-year-old girl with marked dyspnea, no fever. What do you think it’s happening?

Inspiration – 21-year-old girl with marked dyspnea, no fever.
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Dear friends,
Muppet cannot find difficult cases and, despite himself, is forced to show easy ones. Today we’re showing radiographs of a 48-year-old woman who has had moderate dyspnea for a while.
1. Swyer-James syndrome
2. Tumour left main bronchus
3. Old TB left lung
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Moving forward on our journey through the systems, our next stop is the heart. I want to put your diagnostic skills to the test with the following cardiac case.
Our patient is a 60-year-old male with dyspnea and fatigability.
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