Dear Friends,
This case was provided to me by Dr Maria Luisa Domingo ( Hospital Universitario Dr Peset).
A man 76 years old with cough and chronic respiratory problems.
Non contrast CT.
Let me see what you think.
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Hello Friends,
here I am trying to initiate a new course with fresh cases. I hope that all of you are well, and doing your best during this horrible pandemia.

My first case was shown to me a couple of days ago by Dr Teresa Lago Muñoz, a young radiology resident at Hospital Dr Peset.
Dr Lago tells me that this is a 48 year-old man, heavy smoker for the last 30 years.
What do you think? What would you do? (No previous images were available).
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Dear friends, this case was also provided by my good friend Dr Alberto Villanueva (SURREY AND SUSSEX HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST).
It-s good do get some help from other centers in this time of distress when the activity is basically centered on COVID 19. But, indeed other pathologies are there and will be present and we, as good alert radiologists must look carefully for pertinent findings always.
This is a 57 y/o male patient with known oncologic pathology ( jaw and neck neoplasms) that obliges to periodic examinations. He presents (Nov 2018) with weight loss.
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In this photo: Dr. Villanueva in the Caceres Corner
Hello friends.
I am back after a short medical leave.
Thanks to my friend Dr Alberto Villanueva (Sussex) I can show you an interesting case to test your skills once more.
17 yr. Fever and sore throat.
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Dear Friends,
Good day to everybody. I hope that, wherever you are, you and your close ones are well. We are living hard times that will pass, but meanwhile, and probably more than ever, we need to stick to our lives in every sense, including our Radiology knowledge.
Keep on friends.
This a case from my own collection. Despite time passing there is, as in most cases a teaching to be extracted from it.
57 year old male with fever. He recently had neck surgery.
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Hello again,
here is a new case from Hospital Dr Peset archive.
This is a 67 year old man with COPD. He was presented with worsening of his dyspnea, he now needs two pillows to sleep.
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Hello friends,
I hope you are doing well wherever you are. Here things are not too good but for the moment I am well.
Here is a case just brought from Dr Peset University Hospital in Valencia.
71 year old man who had a syncope and is brought to the Emergency Room. The COVID 19 ARN (RT-PCR) is negative.
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Dear colleagues,
we are living dire moments. Our congress in Vienna has been postponed and many of us are subject to severe restrictions in our life, but this will not impede us to continue with our blog, and perhaps help you fill some time if you are isolated.

I would like to send you a case you already know, but with some new features stressed to me by Drs Maldonado and Lorente. Indeed I refer to our very last case (25) the man who had had Lymphoma and an accumulation of fat in the mediastinum: Remember? Read more…

Dear friends,
Well, we have arrived to case 25 after a bit more than a year. I hope that some of you have learned something and perhaps enjoyed the “game”. Let us continue…
Some days ago two smart radiology residents at Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Edgar Lorente and Alfonso Maldonado, presented me this case that has some interesting features. Read more…

Dear Friends,
Today’s case shows a 35 year old woman with abdominal pain and weight loss.
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