Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 43 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

Today I’m presenting radiographs of a 54-year-old male with chest pain (below).

Would you call these radiographs normal?
If not, where is the abnormality?

Leave me your answers in the comments section and look out for the answer on Friday.

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 42 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

To continue reviewing basic chest patterns, I present the case of a 52-year-old man with a solitary pulmonary nodule.


1. Probably malignant
2. Probably benign
3. Indeterminate
4. Need previous films

Check the images below, leave your thoughts and conclusion in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 41 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

This year I plan to show only chest cases, emphasising the diagnostic approach to basic patterns in the plain film. Hopefully, this monographic approach will help you with the diploma examination.

Cases will be posted every other Monday and answers will be given on Friday.

Radiographs (below) of the first case belong to a 57-year-old man, asymptomatic. Study them carefully, leave your opinions in the comments section, and look out for the answer on Friday.


1. Thymoma
2. Teratoma
3. Mediastinal fat
4. Can’t tell

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 38 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

This week I’m showing screening mammograms of a 39-year-old woman in whom an abnormality was found.

1. Radial scar
2. Carcinoma
3. Surgical scar
4. All of the above

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 37 – SOLVED!


Dear friends,

Presenting images of a 65-year-old asymptomatic woman with left parotid mass.

Possible diagnosis:

1. Benign mixed tumor
2. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
3. Carcinoma
4. None of the above

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 36 – SOLVED!

Dear friends,

Presenting liver MR images of a 63-year-old diabetic woman with mild pain in the RUQ over the last few weeks.

Possible diagnoses:

1. Hepatocellular carcinoma
2. Hepatocellular adenoma
3. Liver angiomyolipoma
4. Liver metastases

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 35 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

Today I’m presenting a 55-year-old male with pain in the right hemithorax.


1. Pulmonary infarction
2. Pneumonia
3. Carcinoma
4. None of the above

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 34 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

Presenting MRI of lumbar spine in a 57-year-old male with lower-back pain.


1. Ependymoma
2. Meningioma
3. Paraganglioma
4. None of the above

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Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 32


Dr. Pepe’s Diploma Casebook: Case 31 – SOLVED!


Dear Friends,

This week I am presenting a lateral radiograph of the cervical spine in a 45-year-old man with cervical pain and an acute spinal cord lesion after a hang gliding accident.

1. Flexion lesion
2. Extension lesion
3. Burst lesion
4. None of the above

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