Dear Friends,
Muppet wants to test your diagnostic skills with the following case:
75-year-old male with vague pain in the right hemithorax.
1. Myeloma
2. Hydatid cyst
3. Fibrous dysplasia
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is in a good mood today (Miss Piggy may be responsible for that) and wants to present a ‘wysiwyg’ case (what you see is what you get).
64-year-old, asymptomatic male. Chest images taken one month after an episode of myocardial infarction.
1. Aortic aneurysm
2. Aortic elongation
3. Type A aortic dissection
4. Type B aortic dissection
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Dear friends,
Muppet was grumpy and decided to spent the Easter vacation in the Costa Brava (I suspect he had a secret date with Miss Piggy). He sent the above picture and the following case:
Seventy-five year-old woman, with pain in the back
1. Metastases
2. Lymphoma
3. Paget’s disease
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Jose Vizuete and Dr. Vilar, who supplied this case (Muppet also wants to point out that any complaints should be addressed to them!).
AP chest of an 11-year-old girl with dyspnea for the last week and mild fever.
1. Staphylococcal pneumonia
2. Mediastinal mass
3. Foreign body
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is getting soft in his old age and presents you with an easy case: pre-op chest in a 40-year-old male with a brain tumour.
1. Lung metastases
2. Lung carcinoma
3. Pleural tumour
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Sorry about the delay in posting a new case, but Muppet was invited to the ECR, got drunk every night and did not cooperate at all. By the way, he sends his warmest regards to Marina, a very smart resident.
Our new patient is a 36 year-old lady with lupus, admitted with mild dyspnea.
1. Myocardiopathy
2. Pericarditis
3. Hilar adenopathy
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is very happy with your progress. But, given his mean disposition, he wants to test you with this case:
Forty-year-old woman with a moderate cough.
1. Tuberculosis
2. Vascular malformation
3. Aspergillosis
4. None of the above
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Dear friends,
Here’s case 12…
Clinical history: 27-year-old woman, operated on for cyanotic congenital heart disease fourteen years ago.
Muppet was intrigued about the rounded opacity in the right lung.
1. Hamartoma
2. Hydatid cyst
3. Pulmonary varix
4. Arterio-venous malformation
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Dear friends,
Muppet saw this case three weeks ago. Clinical history was: 36-year-old woman hairdresser, pre-op chest.
1. Sarcoidosis
2. Extrinsic allergic pneumonitis
3. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis
4. Histiocytosis X
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Dear friends,
The Muppet is getting bored with me and has decided to invite a new player every month. Our first guest is José Vilar, a good friend and excellent teacher who has chosen the following case:
“41 year old male with thalassemia minor who had a CT as a routine follow-up after an episode of pulmonary embolism three months previously.”
1. Pleural plaques
2. Fibrous mesothelioma
3. Scarring post-infarction
4. None of the above
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