Hello everybody.
I’m back after a short Easter holiday recess. Now, let’s get back to a new case provided to me by Dr Juan Malo Ascaso, a young radiology resident, at Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset.
This is a 24 year old woman from Central America who presented with fever, cough and dyspnea.
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Hello everybody!
Let me show you a case from my file- A case that may teach something about chest radiography.
This is a 30-year-old woman, radiology technician, with a recent pneumothorax. ( “rule out pneumothorax ”).
How would you read this image?
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Dear Friends, let me challenge you with two cases of the same disease.
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Dear friends,
We embark today in a case less focused in finding a radiologic sign and more in a clinical context, but, of course from the imaging point of view.
This case provided to me by Dr Ruben Ruiz, a senior resident and Dr Santiago Isarría already known in this blog, both from Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset in Valencia. Spain.
This is a 52-year-old woman with Lupus erythematosus and a history of cervical cancer treated with radiation therapy.
The lady complains of right chest pain at deep inspiration.
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Friends, the last case was seen by many, but only one person dared to try a diagnosis.
Let me see this time if you become more implicated. This is a case from my files. (Hospital Universitario Doctor. Peset. Valencia).
This is a 65-year-old lady with long standing cardiac pathology.
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Dear friends,
another case to test your ability to detect lesions.
The patient is a 68 year old woman. The finding was just incidental.
Where is the pathology and what could it be? Check the images below.
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Hello everybody,
welcome to the new year 2021! We all wish you a much better year, especially regarding the terrible pandemia and its consequences.
Here is a case from 2018 ( Dr. Edgar Lorente, Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Valencia) that I was reviewing recently. Let’s see what you think.
This is a 45-year-old male with long standing treatment for ankylosing spondylitis. I am showing you previous images from 2014 and the actual radiographs in 2018.
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Hello everybody. Are you ready for another case?
This is a case that was provided by Drs Isarría and García Dosdá from the Radiology Dept. Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Valencia.
This patient is a lady 78 years old with suspected eventration. In her workup she had a Chest Radiographic examination and an abdominal CT.
Please look carefully at the images. The case is not easy, but I believe that it contains some teaching points…
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Good day Friends,
From Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset ( Dr Edgar Lorente).here is a case to test your ability to catch important findings.
This is a 55 year old man that comes from the cardiology clinic. What would you report or do?
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Dear Friends,
This is a 19 year old that came on a weekend at 4:30 am to the Emergency room with haemoptysis.
No previous pathology. No fever.
What do you suspect and what would you do?
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