Dear Friends,
Muppet and I are going to Mexico for a week. When back, we expect all of you to have clinched the diagnosis of this 58-year-old male with chest pain.
Leave your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section below and come back on Friday for the answer.
1. Metastatic disease
2. Pulmonary infarct
3. Mesothelioma
4. None of the above
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Dear friends,
Today I am presenting radiographs and CT of a 27-year-old male with fever and malaise. Leave me your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.
1. Teratoma
2. Thymoma
3. Lymphoma
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Since I am an old codger, I am only allowed to look at pre-op chest films. As one young member of staff told me: you may be better than us, but we are faster because we read all of them as normal!
Today I am showing two pre-op chests. Would you read them as normal? If not, what do you see? Leave your comments below and come back for the answer on Friday.
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Dear Friends,
The first case of 2014 belongs to a 40-year-old male with a mild cough. What would you suspect?
1. Tuberculosis
2. Carcinoma
3. Enlarged left pulmonary artery
4. None of the above
Check out the images below and leave your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section.
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Dear Friends,
Muppet believes that the last week of the year deserves an unusual case. Images belong to a 61 year-old woman with frank haemoptysis for one week.
What would you say about the LLL lesion? Leave your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.
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Dear Friends,
This week I am presenting images of a 49-year-old woman with abdominal pain and moderate distension. Examine the images below, leave your thoughts in the comments section, and come back on Friday for the answer.
What would be your diagnosis?
1. Hepatomegaly
2. Subpulmonary fluid
3. Diaphragmatic eventration
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet and I just returned from the RSNA meeting in Chicago (Muppet very happy after spending the week with Miss Piggy!). This week we’re presenting a straightforward case to make you happy as well. Images belong to a 63-year-old man with vague chest complaints.
Where is the abnormality and what do you think it is? Leave yout thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section and come back on Friday for the answer.
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Dear Friends,
Today I’m showing a vintage case, seen thirty years ago when I was a promising young staffer. The images below belong to a 57-year-old missionary living in Africa and undergoing yearly controls at our institution for unilateral hyperlucent lung.
Leave me your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section and come back on Friday for the solution.
1. Swyer-James/Macleod syndrome
2. Bronchial tumour
3. Pulmonary artery stenosis
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
This week I am showing you a case provided by my good friend Dr. Jordi Andreu. The radiographs below belong to a 39-year-old woman with increased shortness of breath for the last three months. Leave your thoughts and diagnosis in the comments section and come back for the answer on Friday.
1. Bullous emphysema
2. Tension pneumothorax
3. Adenomatoid malformation
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Today I am presenting the case of a 52-year-old man who underwent a bilateral lung transplant two years ago. He developed chest pain following bronchoscopy and endobronchial biopsy.
Examine the images below and leave your thoughts in the comments section.
What do you see?
It is significant?
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