Dear Friends,
Muppet is very happy to have reached the 25th case and hopes for twenty-five more!
Forty-nine-year-old woman with persistent cough for the last two months.
1. Carcinoma
2. Tuberculosis
3. Bronchiectasis
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Dr. Manel Escobar has contributed a new case: 23-year-old woman with cough and low-grade fever.
1. Tuberculosis
2. Sarcoid
3. Lymphoma
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is very happy with your progress and wants to test you with an unusual case.
A 57-year-old male with liver carcinoma. No chest symptoms.
What are the densities in the upper lung and mediastinum?
1. Veins
2. Arteries
3. Lymph nodes
4. Esophagus
Warning: this is a difficult case!
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Dear Friends,
Muppet strives to give satisfaction (like Jeeves) and presents you with an easy case:
Fifty-one-year-old male smoker with moderate cough, no fever.
1. Metastases
2. Carcinoma of the lung
3. Allergic aspergillosis
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet promises never again to show a bone case. He has been severely reprimanded!
Back to good ol’ chest imaging:
29-year-old male heavy smoker. Admitted with mild dyspnea.
1. Mediastinal tumour
2. Dilated cardiomyopathy
3. Pericardial effusion
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet gratefully acknowledges the contribution of his good friend Dr. Manel Escobar who discovered and diagnosed the following case:
An 11-year-old girl with migrating bone pain for the last year, with normal radiographs, now presents with one month of low-degree fever. Chest and abdominal CT were unremarkable, except for the pelvic findings.
1. Fibrous dysplasia
2. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
3. Lymphoma
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet wants to test your diagnostic skills with the following case:
75-year-old male with vague pain in the right hemithorax.
1. Myeloma
2. Hydatid cyst
3. Fibrous dysplasia
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is in a good mood today (Miss Piggy may be responsible for that) and wants to present a ‘wysiwyg’ case (what you see is what you get).
64-year-old, asymptomatic male. Chest images taken one month after an episode of myocardial infarction.
1. Aortic aneurysm
2. Aortic elongation
3. Type A aortic dissection
4. Type B aortic dissection
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Dear friends,
Muppet was grumpy and decided to spent the Easter vacation in the Costa Brava (I suspect he had a secret date with Miss Piggy). He sent the above picture and the following case:
Seventy-five year-old woman, with pain in the back
1. Metastases
2. Lymphoma
3. Paget’s disease
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
Muppet gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Jose Vizuete and Dr. Vilar, who supplied this case (Muppet also wants to point out that any complaints should be addressed to them!).
AP chest of an 11-year-old girl with dyspnea for the last week and mild fever.
1. Staphylococcal pneumonia
2. Mediastinal mass
3. Foreign body
4. None of the above
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