Dear friends,
Well, we have arrived to case 25 after a bit more than a year. I hope that some of you have learned something and perhaps enjoyed the “game”. Let us continue…
Some days ago two smart radiology residents at Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Edgar Lorente and Alfonso Maldonado, presented me this case that has some interesting features. Read more…

Dear Friends,
Today’s case shows a 35 year old woman with abdominal pain and weight loss.
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Good day Friends,
here is a case that I kept in my files. Again, only one image. Let me see what you think!
This was a 38 year old man with psychiatric problems.
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Dear Friends,
After a complicated case (Case 21: Heterotaxia) here is more straightforward one.
A young man with breathing difficulty when doing physical activity.
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Hello everybody,
I hope you enjoyed your holidays wherever you are. I wish you a wonderful new year!
After case 20 (Tracheobronchomegaly) that was very well interpreted by those who dared to send a diagnosis, here is another challenge.
Preoperatory chest radiographic study. No significant clinical symptoms.
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Dear friends,
This case was provided to me by Dr Edgar Lorente, a smart radiology resident at Hospital Universitario Dr Peset.
This is a 60 year old male with repeated pulmonary infections. This should not be very hard for you…
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Dear Friends,
I am spending few days near Barcelona and, of course, I had lunch with my friend José Caceres, master of the blogs. José ( and the Muppet) advised me to show you this case, so here it is.
This is a case that will test your ability to integrate the findings. Lets see…
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Hello everybody.
This is a case that was diagnosed by Hospital Dr. Peset´s Radiology Senior Resident Dr. Rodrigo Blanco. Read more…

Dear friends,
The fall is here and after a hike in the Teruel mountains I collected some mushrooms (“lactarius deliciosus” and “lepista nuda”, the blue one) and now, after tasting them, and perfectly healthy, I am ready to send you a new case.
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Hello Friends,
let us see a case that involves a portable chest radiograph, which usually carries additional difficulties to the interpretation.
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