The ‘ESR Meets’ programme, as well as being an extremely popular part of every ECR, serves a very valuable purpose. The sessions have not only reinforced relationships with numerous European national societies since the programme’s introduction in 2003, but they have also represented the ESR’s first official connections with several societies, sometimes from other continents and, more recently, from other disciplines. This year’s partner society, the European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA) takes the ‘ESR Meets’ programme one step further …

E-HPBA president, Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien, from Zurich, Switzerland
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is traveling abroad on a dangerous mission. If he doesn’t make it back, he hopes you will remember him fondly. For this reason he is showing a clear-cut case of pre-op radiographs in a 81-year-old patient with prostate carcinoma and right shoulder pain. Diagnosis?
1. Lung carcinoma
2. Fibrous tumour of pleura
3. Chest wall metastases
4. None of the above
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It may feel like 2013 just began yesterday, but we’ve already turned the first corner into February, which means the ECR is not so much creeping up on us as sprinting at full speed. So, in the five weeks remaining before March 7, what can you do to make sure you get the most out of this five-day festival of everything radiological? Here are our five top tips to get you off to a good start.

ECR badges, patiently waiting to be mailed
1) Get your badge mailed to you
Nobody wants to turn up full of enthusiasm on the first morning, only to spend the first 30 minutes in the longest queue of the whole congress. Be one of the smart ones; register before February 6 and get your congress badge and CME stickers sent to your home. You’ll be glad you did when you waltz past the waiting masses at the onsite registration desks.
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Dear Friends,
This week, we have an oncologic patient with liver nodule detected on US examination. Below are the images from an MRI examination.
Possible diagnoses:
1. Liver hemangioma
2. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
3. Liver metastasis
4. Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH)
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Dear Friends,
Showing radiographs of a 42-year-old woman with high fever.
1. Carcinoma of the lung
2. Pulmonary abscess
3. Loculated empyema
4. None of the above
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At ECR 2013, ‘ESR meets’ will mark Latin America’s return to the congress. After Argentina in 2010 and Brazil in 2011, Chile will be a guest of honour within the popular programme, which promotes dialogue between radiologists from all over the world. ECR delegates will be given the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in Chilean radiology and appreciate the local realities of this faraway, yet culturally similar country. The ESR spoke with Professor Miguel Ángel Pinochet, president of the Chilean Society of Radiology, ahead of the meeting.

Professor Miguel Ángel Pinochet from Santiago, president of the Chilean Society of Radiology
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Dear Friends,
Showing chest radiographs of an 81-year-old male with multiple bone fractures after a car accident. There is a rounded well-defined opacity in the posterior costophrenic sulcus. What do think it is?
1. Carcinoma of the lung
2. Bochladek’s hernia
3. Diaphragmatic cyst
4. All of the above
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The Radiological Society of South Africa (RSSA) will be a guest of honour at ECR 2013, as one of the three national radiological societies participating in the ‘ESR Meets’ programme. The society, which represents radiologists from South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, is the second African radiological society to have been invited to take part in the popular programme. In a dedicated session that will hopefully begin a new area of collaboration between African and European radiologists, the RSSA’s delegation will focus on two of the biggest health issues in the region: HIV and tuberculosis.

RSSA President, Doctor Clive Wyndham Sperryn from Cape Town.
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Dear Friends,
Muppet wishes to present the case of a 75-year-old woman with bilateral mastectomies for carcinoma 10 and 7 years previously. Chest radiographs and CT are shown.
1. Pleural metastases
2. Mesothelioma
3. Pleural TB
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
The following case depicts MRI images of a 59-year-old woman with rapid cognitive decline, progressive change of character, ataxia and diplopia.
1. Posterior reversible encephalopathy
2. Wilson disease
3. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
4. None of the above
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