Spain, home to ECR 2013 president, Professor José Ignacio Bilbao, will be a guest of honour at the ‘ESR meets’ programme next March, at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna. The European Society of Radiology (ESR) spoke with Professor Carmen Ayuso, president of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM), ahead of the session, which will focus on ischaemic stroke, aortic aneurisms and hepatocellular carcinoma imaging, as well as the general state of radiology in Spain.

Professor Carmen Ayuso from Barcelona, president of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM)
The European Society of Radiology (ESR): What are the latest advances and remaining challenges in ischaemic stroke imaging?
Carmen Ayuso: The latest advances in this field are the generalised use of diffusion-perfusion and perfusion CT in evaluating the penumbra area in stroke patients, and the selection of good candidates for endovascular rescue after endovascular treatment failure. The accurate measure of the real penumbra volume based on these techniques and their accurate correlation with clinical evolution remain a challenge.
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Dear Friends,
Muppet is so happy to have reached our 50th case, that he wants everybody to get the right answer. Here we have radiographs of a 52-year-old man with mild fever, blood-tinged sputum and left chest pain.
1. Carcinoma of the lung
2. Tuberculosis
3. Pulmonary embolism
4. None of the above
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Dear Friends,
My second case of 2013 relates to a 49-year-old man with shortness of breath. PA and lateral radiographs are shown.
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In March 2012, we met with ECR 2013 president, Professor José Ignacio Bilbao to interview him for ECR Today, the daily congress newspaper. He talked about the ECR’s scientific programme, how he plans to increase multidisciplinarity and interactivity next year, as well as his passion for architecture.

ECR 2013 congress president, Prof. José Ignacio Bilbao
ESR: What will be the main highlights of ECR 2013’s scientific programme?
José Ignacio Bilbao: We will have a categorical course devoted to the evaluation of tumour response, which is a major issue. We will focus on how to evaluate response after any kind of therapeutic treatment or palliative procedure. It is not an easy course but it has a very well balanced programme.
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Dear Friends,
Muppet wants to leave air-fluid levels behind and put your collective minds to work!
The first case of 2013 presents the radiographs of a 56-year-old female who came to the emergency room with syncope. There is an abnormal opacity in the aortic knob. What do you think it is?
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Dear friends,
to welcome the new year I am showing you the radiographs of a 70 year-old male being evaluated for possible lung metastases.
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Dear friends,
to celebrate the coming year Muppet wants to finish the chapter of air-fluid levels by showing you two patients with fever and malaise.
The question is: where is the fluid located?
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Dear Friends,
In the best Christmas spirit, Muppet is presenting a nice case. These radiographs belong to an 86-year-old lady who came to the emergency room with chest pain. Pulmonary nodules were visible. What would be your diagnosis?
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Dear Friends,
I am taking a short break and will not post a case during the Christmas week. The next case will be posted on December 31st. In the meantime, I am presenting the chest radiographs of a 56-year-old man who came to the emergency room with chest pain and low-grade fever. He had a fracture of T-8 ten years ago.
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Dear Friends,
Continuing with the December sale, I am presenting the case of a 25-year-old epileptic male with three weeks of fever and one episode of haemoptysis.
1. Tuberculosis
2. Pulmonary abscess
3. Carcinoma of lung
4. None of the above
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